Exciting News!

Exciting News! This July, Across the Sea Foundation and its members are making a trip to Vietnam. Nearly seven years have passed since the last time we visited our homeland. After coming back from a serious health crisis in May, I am very fortunate to have this chance to reunite with the community Across the Sea, again. We’ve gathered items to bring along such as food, medicine and clothing. Which especially now due to Covid-19 is desperately needed. We are so grateful to our supporters who have helped to make these care packages a possibility. We also want to give a special thank you to our monthly subscribers, who have made the commitment to fund our mission throughout the year. However purchasing and gathering these supplies is only half the battle. The next step is to get these items to the people in the community who need them. If you are interested in supporting this rare and important trip to cover the cost of bringing these items to Vietnam we welcome your contributions at this time. Please remember that your donation is 100% tax deductible! Your support is much appreciated. Please consider making a donation and share this post with your friends and family today! For our conscientious and dedicated supporters we will be sharing the amazing story of how your donations are impacting the lives of this at risk community online every step of the way - so don’t hesitate - give today.

How We Used Your Donations & Gifts So Far

We purchased and packaged 12 50 lb boxes of medicine and medical supplies, soaps, and personal hygiene products along with food, clothes, and feminine hygiene products.

Rich Enuol

Rich founded Across the Sea in 2021 to support the community that he came from in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Since 2005 he has been raising funds and giving back to this community of indigenous villagers. He loves to garden, take photographs and be in nature. He feels at home surrounded by his many houseplants, and in this mini-jungle likes to play his guitar and practice juggling.

He has had many different jobs since coming to the US, such as server, cashier, factory worker, manicurist, personal care assistant for individuals with dissabilities, manager in a non-profit organization, cultivation, language interpreter and an infant & childcare specialist.


Updates from Vietnam


Spring Update: Pig Pen and More!